Why Faith In Christ Is Reasonable
We have ten arguments in support of the claim that Christianity is true.
The Argument From The Character Of Jesus
The Argument From Prophecy About Jesus
The Argument From Resurrection of Jesus
The Argument From The Peaceful Conversion of the World
The Argument From Scientifically Validated Miracles
The Argument From The Shroud of Turin
The Argument From Near-Death Experiences
The Argument From Demonic Realism
The Argument From Marian Apparitions
The Argument From Pascal’s Wager
Any one of these arguments taken individually has its own degree of strength or certitude associated with it.
But when you combine all ten arguments together, it’s like taking individual steel wires and wrapping them into a steel cable that is much stronger than any of the parts on its own.
All ten of these arguments combine and converge to make a powerful case that we should think that Christianity is true.
You may disagree with all of these and that’s your choice. These arguments are strong but we do not claim they are mathematical demonstrations like 2+2=4.
What I say is these arguments of credibility are sufficient to make the decision of faith reasonable and prudent. They are enough to found a firm conviction.
God is not going to enslave your mind to a miracle. He is not going to force you to believe.
But I say these are good arguments and taken together they build a strong case for Christianity.
The point is that Christian faith at least is NOT a blind leap in the dark. There are no good grounds for mocking those who accept it.
Like building a bridge over a cavern, these arguments take us part of the way. The bridge doesn’t go all the way, there is still a place at the end where you have to make a little leap of faith. It is a small, prudent, and directed leap since the evidence took us part of the way.
This is how the evidence-based faith that Jesus talked about, works. And because of this, anyone, no matter what level of education they have, can make an act of faith that is both reasonable and responsible.